@Dennis-boels , AFAIK, there is no way to disable DCS. However, in
theory, a couple of things might work here: 1) Setting a very high
number of BadItemLimit (BIL) when we create the migration batch (as long
as the service still allows it, BIL is the old model and being
deprecated, and at least in th...
Hi Team,I've been tasked (forced) by my customer to implement CIS IIS
hardening according to CIS_Microsoft_IIS_10_Benchmark_v1.2.1 on my
Exchange Server 2019 with CU 14 and latest SU and hotfix. Health Checker
is all good. I really don't like to follow all settings in the CIS IIS
10 but I would like...
@Sam_T Normally when we purchase a company we dont do any mail
migration. Users get an new account on our domain and the old one is
removed after 6 months.Now as migration from Google Workspace can be
done for free this was offered to the users as an extra and nice to
have.So we just migrate whateve...
@Dennis-boels Thats an interesting approach. Are you saying that your
users are OK with having any number of messages randomly deleted from
their mailbox by "skipping" them, because during the migration Microsoft
deems them to be "corrupted" ? (whatever "corrupted" means) fwiw, I have
reviewed many ...
We just started to use a HVE account for some scan-to-email printers,
emailing to internal recipients. We seem to have failures when the
message / attachment size reaches around 8MB - 10MB. We're still
troubleshooting, but we had a multi-page color document that would fail
to send. Reducing the numb...
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